Friday, April 7, 2017

Music for Sunday, April 9

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and as has been the custom for the last several years, the Trinity Ringers will lead the procession from Butler Hall. If you would like to be a part of the handbell procession, meet us in the music suite at 8:40 and/or 10:45!

At the 9:00, the band, with Alan Huffman as soloist, will sing Via Dolorosa.

For many Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem, one of the most meaningful things they will do while in the city is walk the Via Dolorosa, the route that Jesus took between his condemnation by Pilate and his crucifixion and burial. Trinity pilgrims walked the Via Dolorosa just a couple of weeks ago. Fr. Gerry shared that “to step where Jesus stepped, to pause where Jesus fell, to grieve as those who loved him grieved…it was a holy and intense experience”. This "way of sadness" was the inspiration for the 1986 Dove Award winning song made famous by Sandi Patti. It was composed by Billy Sprague, an Oklahoma native who grew up in the Amarillo, Texas area. He earned a degree in English from Texas Christian University, did graduate work for two years in literature at the University of Texas, Austin, followed by twenty-five years of making music in Nashville, Tn. He is currently Worship Pastor (what we call a director of music) at Edgewater Alliance Church in Edgewater, Florida.

At 11:00, the Trinity Choir will sing When Jesus Wept, by Canadian composer Eleanor Daley. Born and raised in Parry Sound, Ontario, Eleanor Daley (b. 1955) received her Bachelor of Music Degree in Organ Performance from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario and holds diplomas in piano and organ from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto and Trinity College, England. She has been the Director of Music at Fairlawn Heights United Church in Toronto, Ontario since 1982.

A prolific composer, Eleanor has a remarkable gift for melody. Her works are most notable for their sensitive interweaving of text and music. She has well over eighty published choral compositions and is commissioned extensively throughout North America. We have several of her pieces in our library.

At communion, we will sing a modern setting of O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded by David Hurd. David Hurd is widely recognized as one of the foremost concert organists, sacred music composers, and church musicians in the United States, as well as for his innovative, engaging, and ever-evolving improvisation abilities. Newly appointed as Organist and Choirmaster of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in New York, he is the composer of dozens of hymns, choral works, and organ works, and was one of the major musical contributors for the Hymnal 1982We currently have been singing his settings of the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei, and this hymn setting is included in the supplement Wonder, Love and Praise. 

For those of you who love the Bach setting of this text, be assured that we will sing that at the Good Friday service.

Music for 9:00
Your Word, O Lord
Via Dolorosa
Whoever Eats This Bread
All Who Are Thirsty
Come Lift Up Your Sorrows
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?

Music for 11:00
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
My Song Is Love Unknown
When Jesus Wept    
O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded
Alone Thou Goest Forth To Die
And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?

Music for 5:00
All Glory, Laud, and Honor

My Song Is Love Unknown
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?

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