Saturday, April 15, 2017

Music For Easter Sunday

Music for Easter Sunday


Was It a Morning Like This
He’s Alive

Congregational songs
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Alleluia No. 1
Revelation Song
Mighty To Save
I Am the Bread of Life
Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing

 Anyone listening to Contemporary Christian music in the 80’s is familiar with Sandi Patty. She gained national attention when she sang the “Star Spangled Banner” for the rededication of the Statue of Liberty in 1986. Her album, “Morning Like This” was a huge turning point in her career. She sang over 200 concerts per year in the late 80’s, many in large arenas and concert halls. “Morning Like This” was awarded Best Gospel Performance in the 1987 Grammy Awards.

Don Francisco has been writing and recording since 1974.  The son of a seminary professor, bible translator and scholar, Don has been familiar with the workings of Christianity from an early age.  In 1976, he wrote the hit, "He's Alive" and began to travel giving concerts and sharing his vision of a loving and forgiving God.  Many albums followed and Don is known worldwide now, mostly for his talent for taking stories from scripture, and creating ballads from the point of view of the people in the stories.  “He’s Alive is the resurrection story as told by Peter. Ted Spafford will be the story teller, and the band will be joined by members of the Trinity Choir for the thrilling final chorus.


Concerto in C Major, #4       JS Bach
Tocatta in F                          Charles-Marie Widor

Antiphonal Acclamation for Easter      Michael Bedford
Achieved is the Glorious Wok             Franz Joseph Haydn
Hallelujah                                            GF Handel

Congregational Hymns
Hail Thee, Festival Day
Welcome Happy Morning
Lift You Voice Rejoicing, Mary
Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks to the Risen Lord
I Am the Bread of Life
Now the Green Blade Riseth
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

It was Haydn's encounter with Handel's oratorios in London that sowed the seeds of his most famous and enduring masterpiece: The Creation.
At the 1791 Handel Festival in Westminster Abbey he was overwhelmed by the monumental sublimity of the choruses in Handel's Messiah and Israel in Egypt, performed by a gargantuan array of over 1000 players and singers.
In the words of an early biographer, Haydn 'confessed that ...he was struck as if he had been put back to the beginning of his studies and had known nothing up to that moment. He meditated on every note and drew from those most learned scores the essence of true musical grandeur'.
While still in London Haydn expressed a desire to compose a work on a similarly exalted biblical theme that would appeal to a broad public.
While still in London Haydn expressed a desire to compose a work on a similarly exalted biblical theme that would appeal to a broad public.
For the time being nothing came of the idea. But just before he left England for the last time, in the summer of 1795, the impresario and violinist Johann Peter Salomon handed him an anonymous English libretto on the subject of The Creation which had allegedly been intended for Handel half a century earlier.
Haydn immediately saw the musical potential in The Creation text, whose main sources were the book of Genesis, Milton's Paradise Lost (especially for the animal descriptions in Part Two, and the hymn and love duet in Part Three) and, for several of the choruses of praise, the book of Psalms.

The end result was the greatest triumph of Haydn’s career.

“Achieved Is the Glorious Work” is from Part II, celebrating the end of the sixth day. The choir will be accompanied by organ, brass and cello.

As an FYI, The Woodlands Chorale will be presenting “The Creation” in it’s entirety with orchestra on Saturday, April 29 at The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church.

At the Gospel Processional, the Trinity Choir will be joined by the Junior Choir to announce the Easter Acclamation, "Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen indeed, Alleluia!"

Finally, as has been the tradition for the past several years, the congregation is invited to join the choir on the steps at the recessional, for the singing of Handel's magnificent "Hallelujah"! Music will be provided. Even if you don't consider yourself a singer, come up anyway and immerse yourself in the joy!

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks to the Risen Lord
The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Won
Christ Is Alive, Let Christians Sing

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