Friday, May 5, 2017

Music for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

This fourth Sunday of the Easter season is sometimes called Good Shepherd Sunday because in each of the three lectionary cycles, the Gospel reading invites us to reflect on Jesus as the Good Shepherd. In each cycle the reading is from the tenth chapter of John’s Gospel. This chapter sets the framework for Jesus’ teaching about himself as the Good Shepherd. In addition, the Psalm appointed for the day is the 23rd. 

The MadriGals will be offering an Allen Pote arrangement of "The Lord Is My Shepherd" at both the 9:00 and the 11:00. Allen Pote is a nationally recognized composer and clinician, currently serving as Director of the Pensacola Children's Chorus. For many years he served at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston, where he composed many successful musicals for children's choir, including one of our favorites, "Rescue In the Night". His setting of Psalm 23 is elegant, and perfectly complements the text as well as the ladies' voices.

At 11:00, the choir will sing "I Am the Good Shepherd", by Dan and Heidi Goeller. After ten years of working in the recording industry in Nashville, Dan decided to create his own music publishing company. Now living in South Dakota, his colorful orchestrations and accessible music are favorites around the world. The Trinity Choir presented last year, "In His Own Words", a collection in which both the narrative and lyric texts draw exclusively from the words of Christ. Sunday's anthem is from this collection and is one of the choir's favorite anthems.

At 5:00, Kathleen Barr will sing another favorite,  "He Shall Feed His Flock" from Handel's Messiah. 

Prelude - Change My Heart
Processional - Come People of the Risen King
Sequence - Alleluia #1
Offertory - The Lord Is My Shepherd      Allen Pote
Communion - The Disciples Knew the Lord Jesus; I Come With Joy; Spirit of the Living God
Recessional - He Is Exalted

Processional - 377 All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Hymn of Praise 208 The Strife Is O'er (vs. 1&5) 
Sequence - 343 Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless
Offertory - I Am the Good Shepherd      
Communion - The Lord Is My Shepherd; 310 O Saving Victim, Opening Wide; 304 I Come With Joy
Recessional - 334 Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing

Processional - 377 All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Sequence - 343 Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless
Offertory - He Shall Feed His Flock
Recessional - 334 Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing

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