Friday, May 19, 2017

Music for the 6th Sunday of Easter

Prelude: Your Love O Lord
Processional: 10,000 Reasons
Sequence: Alleluia no. 1
Offertory: They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love
The Disciples Knew the Lord Jesus, Come to the Table, Lamb of God
Recessional: He Is Exalted

Processional – 397 Now Thank We All Our God
Hymn of Praise – 292 O Jesus, Crowned With All Renown
Sequence – 514 To Thee, O Comforter Divine
Offertory – Orphans of God
Communion – 405 All Things Bright and Beautiful
512 Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove
455 O Love of God, How Strong and True
Recessional – 616 Hail to the Lord’s Annointed

Processional – 397 Now Thank We All Our God
Sequence – 514 To Thee, O Comforter Divine
Recessional – 616 Hail to the Lord’s Annointed

I will be missing you this Sunday but you are in good hands! Alan Huffman will be leading the band at 9:00 and Jon Steen will be at the organ at 11:00. Alyssa will be singing the offertory with the Trinity Choir at 11:00. At 5:00 Brian McGill will be at the piano.

A few awesome things about Jon Steen. He is a delightful and engaging friend of Trinity. He served as the organist for the Houston Astros in the early 90’s! Now there is a job I would love to have. He also won a competition in 2006 as the “Best Adult Theater Organist”, and he is currently President of the Houston Theater Organ Society. He has been playing the organ for 60 years!

When I read this Sunday’s Gospel lesson, in which Jesus says “I will not leave you orphaned”, I knew that Alyssa should sing one of our favorites, “Orphans of God”. She will be joined by the Trinity Choir.

Sorry this is so brief – I am heading out to Lubbock for Allie’s graduation! Then off to Deutschland!

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