Thursday, May 16, 2019

Music for Sunday, May 19

Pepper Choplin

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading from John 13, Jesus tells the disciples “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” In response to this, the choir and band will join together in singing text from 1 John, Chapter 4, Beloved, Let Us Love One Another, by Pepper Choplin.

Pepper Choplin is a full-time composer, conductor and humorist. He has gained a reputation as one of the most creative writers in church music today. With a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he went on to earn a Master of Music degree in composition from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Bonnie Prince Charlie
For the communion anthem, the Trinity Ringers will accompany the organ on a piece by Sondra Tucker. The tune is “The Skye Boat Song”, which some of you might recognize as the theme to the television show, Outlanders.  "The Skye Boat Song" is a late 19th century Scottish song recalling the journey of Bonnie Prince Charlie from Uist to the Isle of Skye. Bear McCreary adapted the song as the opening titles of the 2014 TV series Outlander, sung by Raya Yarbrough, changing the text of Robert Louis Stevenson's poem Sing Me a Song of a Lad That Is Gone (1892) to fit the story. We, however, are referencing the hymn “Spirit of God, Unseen As the Wind” by Margaret Old.

Spirit of God, unseen as the wind,
gentle as is the dove;
teach us the truth and help us believe,
show us the Saviour's love!

Prelude - Your Love, O Lord
Processional - We Know That Christ Is Raised and Dies No More
Sequence - Open Our Eyes, Lord
Offertory Anthem - Beloved, Let Us Love One Another
Communion Anthem – Spirit of God, Unseen As the Wind
Communion - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence; Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love
Recessional - 610 Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service

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